Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Head Practice
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
STUDY: Hellboy 2 - action Scene - DODGING
We start with Abe Screen Right, we're looking down at him since he's the weak one .
We cut on action, BLAM the troll punches down as Abe dodges. The effect of the water really sells the punch!
This scene works because:
- the camera keeps moving and tracking with Abe, we're experiencing this with him.
- Keep the action varied by going towards or away from camera, and changing screen direction.
- Framing, keep the action central, so we don't get lost.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Friday, July 15, 2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
So I tried to watch the Witcher series, because I feel I should like it. But the exposition sequences are so dreadfully boring I can't even get past the first 15 minutes :/
I then watched a bit of True Grit, and I was instantly hooked. So I wanted to do a quick scene study. I figured out 2 main things:
- Frames are kept interesting during dialogue with moving backgrounds (sand blowing in, or people passing by).
- The classic :Get in late - leave early- way of writing. The filmmakers don't bore us, we get the information we need, and we are moving between scenes by having to figure out things for ourselves instead of giving everything on a plate.
-> So in this short scene Mattie (the girl) is talking asking this guy if he can think of somebody who can help her track this outlaw. We have a standard 1 shot, notice how she is composed in the right portion of the screen for screen direction. The frame is also kept interesting with passerbys in the background.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Full Body Sketches
Decided to do some full body poses for once.
These are a bit stiff, but good practice anyway.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
So doing a bit of study of live action (Zack Snyders' Justice League - don't judge, it's good for mouths :D). So first of all during normal dialogue we really don't show a lot of teeth, and even in shouting, we don't open up our entire jaw for display, and it's dark in there, so the back teeth are often hidden in shadow or covered.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
I'm going to need to study some mouths. It's a thing I've become sort of obsessed with now, trying to draw good open mouths.