Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today I felt like messing around in Photoshop, so started doodling Shade from my comic Unchained. When I don't start from a sketch on paper, it always ends up very random like this, but I like the colors so it serves well as a concept piece.


  1. omg dude the perspective is upside down on the minaret to the left. duuuuuuuuuude

  2. lol I know, that's what happens when u totally dont plan anything

  3. haha
    oh I thought of a tip, maybe itl help I dunno. You know how you rendered that using your 3dsmax knowledge, I know thats how you did it haha. You did it with two light sources and thats fine but for a day scene that black area with no light hitting wouldnt happen, it would be more of a fill light (turn up the ambient on your spot light lol). Also that would probably add to the smokey/foggy effect of the picture

  4. lol no I dont render using 3ds max in my head, you;re the only one who is so mathematic in your approach to work, I just do thinsg depending on what mood I'm in, for me that didnt make any sense how I shaded that, but i liked how it looked so I kept that :D
