Sunday, February 15, 2015

STUDY: Persona 3 - Run Cycle Part 1

I looked at some animation of the movie Persona 3: Spring of Birth.  This movie is an adaptation of the video game Persona 3, and apart from looking really pretty, I couldn't really recommend it ..things that work well in a videogame just make no sense in a film.

In preparation for a runcycle, I picked 2 cuts of a running scene:

(above) The close up on the foot works actually works surprisingly well considering that we're looking at 1 stride looped. The foot always lands in the same spot (I checked), this is animated on 1's.

(above) First of all I'd like to point out that I really love how this movie looks. The designs by Shigenori Soejima are just so nice and well respected in the transition to the film.  Anyway you can look at my breakdown for this run below, the animation was done on 2's. On a side note, the background pans while the character art is held for that extra frame..oddly enough it doesn't cause any strobing.

I also just sketched some characters in the film for fun:

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