Thursday, March 21, 2024

Studying The Figure (Video by David Finch)

 So this video was recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm, and as I was watching it, it realised his approach to learning is what I've been doing in my ARTacademy journey. But this is from an actual great artist, so check it out!  And if you need motivation to keep doing your studies, then start counting each page you fill as EXP! I think it's a great motivation to track your progress! 

In his video he is telling you how he studies from Bridgman. And the approach is :

1) first you start with the basic shapes / gesture. So in my own mapped out journey, this is the Loomis Mannikin by Loomis (but you can find this in many other places like How to Draw comics the Marvel way, FORCE drawing by Mattesi, etc..). 

2) You now start copying the poses in the figure drawing book that you are using, in his video it's Bridgman. In my mapped journey I had chosen Andrew Loomis, but also my chosen comic artist to study from. 

3) Now you also start copying the anatomy drawings from your figure drawing book. These are usually broken up into segments (arms, neck, torso, feet, etc..) So that's why I have different parts of the anatomy as their own challenges, for me the most expressive parts of the body are the hands and the head, at least for acting in storyboards / comics (The camera is rarely focussing on the lower part of the body :P )

And the most important step that he shows is to first copy the drawing, THEN draw it from memory. And do this over and over until you have made it yours. (my suggestion is 50 pages => LVL 5, but at least 10 pages => LVL 2)

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