Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Scoobie Test - FLASH

 I found this browsing through some old work. This was an animation test for Scoobie Doo done in Flash. Really wish I could've worked on this. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Learning how to INK! Breakdown

 So, I've been wanting to learn how to ink for a while and I figure the best way to learn a skill is by copying artists you love. So you don't need worry about what to draw, and you can just focus on trying to break down the "How". Obviously this involves a lot of sucking, but that's the fun part! 

1) These are my tools: A 2B pencil for sketching, a god quality nib pen, and a sharpie (I want to use a brush, but I'm not ready yet :P)

2) Start with the loose sketch and flesh it out. The quality of the drawing is not so important as it's just practice. In fact it probably feels less precious if it's a bad drawing :P

3) Then using the pen nib I draw the linear, leaving blacks and thick strokes to be done with the brush (in my case a Sharpie).

4) Finish it off with the sharpie and erase the pencil marks! Now my plan is to do this every morning for 50 days and hope I a better at the end of it :P

Friday, February 14, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Just Make Your comic !

 So I stumbled on this video on YouTube where this artist outlines a structure / plan to create a full 6 page comic. He says that of course you need technique to do a comic, but you need experience just making comics, so that you know what technique you need to develop. So anybody who can hold a pencil, please, let's just make some comics this year! I will definitely follow this. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 Today's random character is based on the idea of Tehanu (Therru), a character in the fourth book of The Earthsea novels by Le Guin. She is described to have heavy disfigurement from burns, including a hand that is more of a stomp. I have an immediate love for these type of characters, the freaks and outcasts of the world. I got the image in my head of her eye being on the outside of her head, it's mostly shut but when it opens, she truly looks a bit like a (cute)monster, I imagine that's when she could use her magic. 

And a very generic conan sketch